Grooooooooow babies!!

How 2 men + 2 women - sex + science = 2 babies!!

This is the funny, heart-warming, tearful, inspiring, and shocking truth about my journey to have a child.

How a man, another man, a woman, another woman, a couple lawyers, a few doctors, a psychologist, a couple social workers and some agencies make a baby.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What A Difference A Year Makes

Can you believe what was happening a year ago?  Derek and I were in the doctor's office with Chloe deciding how many embryos to transfer.  We were even considering transfering three.  Three????  Was I crazy?  I love having two children.  I can't imagine my life without my two little men now.  I also can't imagine having triplets. 

A year ago we started praying...even though we're not very religious.  We ate sticky foods hoping that would make the embryos stick.  We even ate Life cereal.  I was willing to try anything after two failed attempts. 

A few weeks later the amazing news came that my surrogate was pregnant with twins.  I still was scared things wouldn't work.  We did a total of three beta tests and every time I was panicked that the numbers wouldn't be what I wanted -- but they were.  Then we had the fear of the first trimester, fear during the ultrasounds making sure the babies were growing fine, and the fear of making it to viability.  Then the day of the birth came which was filled with both excitement and anxiety hoping both my children and Chloe would be OK. 

In the past year I also got to have a wonderful baby shower and an amazing outpouring of help and love from friends and family.  I got to make four people grandparents (and two of them became grandparents for the first time), my brother became an uncle (for the first time) and my sister-in-law and brother-in-law became an aunt and uncle.  Their children were excited to hear news of their cousins.  My sister-in-law explained to her older child how two uncles would make cousins for him and, after hearing how this works, he excitedly called to his little brother, "Did you hear?  We're going to have new cousins!!!  They took an egg and put fertilizer on it!"  

This past year I also got to celebrate (through the web) the birth of so many children through surrogacy.  I hope this year brings even more good news for those of you out there still trying.

These past twelve months have, of course, been life changing.  This picture below shows the reason I am broke, sleep-deprived, getting gray hair and yet 100% happy, fulfilled and thrilled with my life. 


  1. What a sweet blog and what a sweet picture of the boys! Happy 1 year anniversary!

  2. nice post, michael. very sweet and brings back our memories. thanks for the reminder that we are very lucky to have our children. happy one year!

  3. Great post!! The boys are sooo adorable and getting so big!!

  4. Such sweet little faces! Great job daddies. :) Children really are the the greatest gift we could ever receive.

  5. adorable babies! So happy for you!
    CA Grandmother

  6. Awwww. All in the last year. Worth every last stressful moment, difficult decision and gray hair - strike that - gray hair sucks. :-)

    Those adorable faces say it all. Your babies are happy. <3
